Minister of Culture

Minister of CultureIt was a hastily scrawled note from the Chinese dignitary traveling across Canada asking Don if he would consider taking on the position of Minister of Culture in the Chinese Government. It seems that "Big Jed" (as he is lovingly referred to in China) had made such an impression on people from every walk of life that they demanded he bring his particular brand of photographic artistry to their country to enhance and revolutionize their take on the arts. Turning his back on what would undoubtedly have been a lucrative career in NASCAR racing/pit crew photography Don donated his worldly goods to those in need, and camera in hand it was off to China. Big Jed made an even bigger impression on the Chinese when he visited in person. Don quickly became known as a "friend of the people" and touched the lives of all who were lucky enough to come into contact with him. Don photographed government leaders and workers alike, but it was his stunning portraits of rural Chinese life that won over the hearts and minds of all who saw his work. Sadly upon returning to his homeland, Canada Customs found it necessary to confiscate all his photos and negatives from his nearly decade long stay in China. It was feared the images were so powerful that anyone viewing them would surely and resolutely renounce capitalism, and instead take up the struggle of the worker and pull together in the spirit of communism.